The overall experience of making this office a reality was made easy and enjoyable. The entire team at Sinclair Dental walked me through all the steps, and came up with unique designs to choose from, and really listened carefully to my needs. They also worked well with the contractor, providing every detail required to complete the project on time.
Thank you Sinclair Dental!
Dr. Jason Gallant
1. Entrance
2. Reception
3. Waiting Area
4. Play Area
5. Consultation Room
6-9. Operatories
10. Toothbrush Station
11-12. Recovery Rooms
13. Sterilization Area
14. Digital Imaging
15. Closet
16. Patient Washroom
17. Staff Room
18. Staff Washroom
19. Mechanical Room
20. Office
21-22. Operatories

Like what you see above? Sinclair Dental's design team is here to help.
Call 1-800-663-7393 and ask for the Design department.
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