Sinclair Dental are professionals. The Sales team, Equipment specialists, Installation and Service team members worked in concert with my design and construction professionals to produce an esthetically beautiful, ergonomic and state-of-the-art clinic that reflects a comfortable and professional work space for both our staff and patients.
Thank you Sinclair Dental for everything you did on our project!
Dr. Manjinder S. Lalh
1. Entrance
2. Reception
3. Washroom
4. Staff Room
5. Waiting Room
6. Consultation Room
7-8. Operatories
9. Office
10-11. Operatories
12. Sterilization
13. Digital Imaging
14. Mechanical Room
15. Office

Like what you see above? Sinclair Dental's design team is here to help.
Call 1-800-663-7393 and ask for the Design department.
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