Vista Pure With Slide Rails

VistaPure provides two grades of high-quality water for autoclaves, dental bottles, ultrasonic cleaners and instrument washers for the ultimate convenience.
- VistaPure will work with the STATIM® Cassette Autoclaves, STATCLAVE™ Chamber Autoclaves, BRAVO™ Chamber Autoclaves, and HYDRIM® Instrument Washers, Ultrasonic Cleaners, Dental Bottles, other select sterilzers and automated washers.
- Water is autoclave-ready, distilled quality (deionized) water which eliminates the need to buy distilled water or own a distiller.
- VistaPure’s handheld, point-and-shoot wand makes it easy for anyone to fill autoclaves, no matter where they’re located, and the system’s mounted faucet makes it easy to fill Dental Unit bottles over a sink. We also offer unique “automatic water filling control” options for our STATIM, STATCLAVE, Classic BRAVO and BRAVO G4 sterilizers, along with our HYDRIM final rinse options.
- VistaPure’s filter panel fits neatly under the steri-center counter with slides for easy access to the filters.
- VistaPure provides a high volume of ready-to-use water, on demand. Its large 4.25-gallon storage tank means you don’t need to wait for deionization and R/O processes to take place
- Each VistaPure features an in-line TDS meter that monitors water quality—and also makes it easy to know when it’s time to replace your filters
Item #: i869sc04
Scican #: V3000