(32 items)-
Oraqix DispenserPolocaine 3% Plain (50) Mepivacaine 30mg/mlScandonest 3% Plain (50) Mepivacaine/No VasoconstrictorSyringe Warmer 110V 6cc/3ccXylocaine 2% Green (50) Lidocaine with Epinephrine 1:50,000Xylocaine 2% Red (50) Lidocaine with Epinephrine 1:100,000Carbocaine 2% With Neo-Cobefrin 1:20,000 (50) (Mepivacaine) (Carestream)#: 128kk01Septodont
Vivacaine (50) Bupivicaine HCL 0.5%/Epinephrine 1:200,000#: 128se07Septodont
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