X-Ray Viewer
(8 items)-
Bulb F14T12/CW Fluorescent For Pelton & Crane X-ray ViewerBulb F14T8/CW/15 FluorescentBulb F8T5/D FluorescentBulb, X-ray Viewer Bitewing For Performer I, II & IIIBulb 3036 Safelight#: 157ef08ANB
Bulb F14T8/D/15 Fluorescent#: 157ef04ANBTEMPORARILY UNAVAILABLE
Bulb F15T8/D Westinghouse#: 157ef05ANBTEMPORARILY UNAVAILABLE
Bulb F8T5/D For Rinn X-ray Viewer#: 157dy01Dentsply SironaDISCONTINUED
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