Root Canal Pluggers & Spreaders
(62 items)-
New Condenser Apical 0.5 Abou-Rass StraightCondenser Apical 1 Abou-Rass StraightM-Plugger/Spreader #20 D/EM-Plugger/Spreader #25 D/EM-Plugger/Spreader #30 D/EM-Plugger/Spreader #40 D/EM-Plugger/Spreader #50 D/EM-Plugger/Spreader #60 D/EM-pluggers/Spreaders Asst (6) Double EndedM-Series Spreader #30Plugger #0 BuchananPlugger #1 BuchananPlugger #2 BuchananRC Plugger 5/7 DERC Specialty Glick 1 DERoot Canal Plugger 1/3 D/ERoot Canal Plugger 10 S/ERoot Canal Plugger 10-1/2 PosteriorRoot Canal Plugger 11 PosteriorRoot Canal Plugger 12 Anterior SERoot Canal Plugger 12 S/ERoot Canal Plugger 2 Luks SERoot Canal Plugger 5/7 D/ERoot Canal Plugger 8 S/E
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