(616 items)-
Ethicon Sutures J464G 4-0 Coat Vicryl Violet Braid 18" P3 Needle (12)Ethicon Sutures J488G 7-0 Coat Vicryl Undyed Braided 18" P-1 Needle (12)Ethicon Sutures J496G 4-0 Coat Vicryl Undyed Braided 18" PS-2 Needle (12)Ethicon Sutures J500G 5-0 Coat Vicryl Undyed Braided 18" PS-3 Needle (12)Ethicon Sutures PN489G 6-0 Pronova Blue Mono. 18" P-1 (12)Ethicon Sutures U203H 4-0 Chromic Gut 27" RB-1 (36)Ethicon Sutures U204H 3-0 Chromic Gut 27" RB-1 Needle (36)Ethicon Sutures VCP426H 4-0 Coated Vicryl+ Undyed Braid 27" PS2 NeedleEthicon Sutures VCP494G 4-0 Coat Vicryl Undyed Braid 18" P-3 Needle Pk/12Ethicon Sutures VCP506G 5-0 Coated Vicryl+ Undyed Braid 18" PS4 Needle1Ethicon Sutures VCP593G 5-0 Ctd Vicryl Plus Undyed 18" PS-5 Pk/12Ethicon Sutures VR2297 4-0 Vicryl Rapide Undyed Braid 27" FS-2 Needle (36)Ethicon Sutures VR497 3-0 Vicryl Rapide Undyed Braid 18" PS-2 (12)Ethicon Sutures Y489G 6-0 Monocryl Undyed Mono 18" P-1 Pk/12Ethicon Sutures Y492G 6-0 Monocryl Undyed Mono P-3 18" (12)Ethicon Sutures Y513G 4-0 Monocryl Violet Mono 18" PS-2 Pk/12Ethicon Sutures Y922H 4-0 Monocryl Violet Mono. 27" FS-2 (36)Ethicon Y303H 5-0 Monocryl Violet Mono. 27" RB-1 (36)Ethicon Y490G 5-0 Monocryl Undyed Absorbable 18" P-1 Pk/12Ethicon Y493G 5-0 Monocryl Undyed Mono 18" P-3 (12)New Ethicon Y495G 5-0 Monocryl Undyed Absorb 18" PS-2 Pk/12Extension Set High Pressure 7" Microclave Clear Clamp & LuerNew Extension Set Small Bore 18cm W/ Clamp Cs/50Glustich Clear 0.2ml Single Dose Applicator Bx/12
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