(60 items)-
Shur Wax X-Hard Pink 5lbSticky Wax Bulk (120)Sticky Wax Std (15)Utility Wax Square Ropes Red (55)Utility Wax Square Ropes White (55)Utility Wax Strip Large White (75)Utility Wax Strip Small White (114)Waxed Cloth FormsYellow Bite Wax Sheets 5lbKewax Wax Wire 12 ga Round 1/2 lb Spool#: 469ky04Keystone
Orthodontic Tray Wax 60 Mint Flavoured Sticks#: 468ml03KulzerDISCONTINUED
Wax Sculpture Ivory Opaque 2oz#: 469bc02Kerr LabDISCONTINUED
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