(59 items)-
Absolute Dentin Tooth ShadeAccufilm I Red Single Sided (280 Pre-cut Strips)Accufilm II Black/Black Double Sided (280 Pre-cut Strips)Accufilm II Red/Black Double Sided (280 Pre-cut Strips)Accufilm II Red/Red Double Sided (280 Pre-cut Strips)Accufilm IV Brush-On Liquid 10mlAdd & Bond Composite Repair KitAmalgambond Adhesive Agent, 8mlAmalgambond B Base 5mlAmalgambond Plus KitBlu-Mousse 60 2-50ml Carts & TipsBlu-Mousse Classic Refill 2x50ml Split Cartridges & TipsBlu-Mousse Split Cartridge GunBlu-Mousse Split Mixing Tips (30)Blu-Mousse Super Fast Refill 2x50ml Split Cartridges & TipsBlu-Mousse Tubes Classic (2 Tubes - 160ml Total)Brush & Bond Brushes Pk/100Brush & Bond KitBrush & Bond Liquid 3mlC&B Metabond Dentin Activator Liquid (Green)C&B Metabond L-powder Clear Radiopaque 3gmC&B Metabond L-powder Tooth Shade RadiopaqueC&B Metabond Quick BaseC&B Metabond Quick Catalyst Only (Also F/Amalgambond)
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