(791 items)-
Clave Needleless IV Connector Case/100Extension Set Mini Bore 7-1/4" (50) (CHS)Extension Set Mini-Bore W/ Side Clamp Cs/50 (CHS)Gravity IV Adminstration Set with CareSite Injection Site 112" 15 Drops/mL with 1 CareSite valves Case/50Implant Sterile Pack Bilingual Pack/1Insyte Autoguard BC with Blood Control Technology Blue 22ga x 1" (BD) Bx/50Insyte Autoguard BC with Blood Control Technology Yellow 24ga x 0.75" (BD) Bx/50Insyte Autoguard Shielded IV Catheter 22ga x 1" Sterile (BD) Bx/50Insyte Autoguard Shielded IV Catheter 22ga x 1" with Wings Sterile (BD) Bx/50Insyte Autoguard Shielded IV Catheter 24ga x 0.75" Sterile (BD) Bx/50Irrigation Tubing Set For W&H Surgical Unit Disposable Box/6IV Microbore Needleless 8" Set Cs/50 (Baxter)IV Set, 15 Drop/ml, 2 Needle- Free Ports, 108" Tubing, Case/50IV Set, 15 Drop/ml, 2 Pre-Slit Ports, 96" Tubing, Case/50Lactated Ringer's 250ml Bag For Injection USP (1) (Baxter)Lactated Ringer's 500ml Bag For Injection USP (1) (Baxter)Lance Blade #15 Stainless Steel Sterile Box/100Microbore Extension Set 0.8ml 60" Case/50Needle-Free Clearlink IV Systems 104" 10 Drops/ml, 2 Clearlink Valve (48) (Baxter)Needle-Free Clearlink IV Systems 107" 10 Drops/mL, Clearlink Valve (48) (Baxter)Needle-Free Clearlink IV Systems 92" 10 Drops/ml, Clearlink Valve (48) (Baxter)Nexiva Closed IV Catheter System Dual Port 22ga x 1" Sterile Blue (BD) (20)Nexiva Closed IV Catheter System Dual Port 24ga x 0.75" Sterile Yellow (BD) (20)Small Bore Extension 60" Cs/50 (CHS)
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