(82 items)-
Prophy Cup Screw Type/Turbo Plus Grey – Latex (5-gross)Prophy Cup Screw-type/Web Junior Grey – Latex (144)Prophy Cup Snap On Webbed Purple Soft Non-latex (144)Prophy Cup ST/Elite Extend Soft Pink – Non-latex (1-gross)Prophy Cup ST/Elite Flex Soft Pink – Non-latex (1-gross)Prophy Cup St/Web Petite Firm Blue – Non-latex (144)Prophy Cup ST/Web Petite Soft Purple – Non-latex (5-gross)Bibs Child Zooby Asst (100) 13.5" x 9"Centrays Fluoride Trays Large (100)Centrays Fluoride Trays Medium (100)Centrays Fluoride Trays Small (100)Centwins Fluoride Trays Large Blue (50) HingedCentwins Fluoride Trays Medium White(50) HingedCentwins Fluoride Trays Small Yellow(50) HingedD-Lish Varnish Pk/50 Melon 5% Sodium Fluoride VarnishD-Lish Varnish Pk/50 Spearmint 5% Sodium Fluoride VarnishD-Lish Varnish Pk/50 Vanilla 5% Sodium Fluoride VarnishHeat Sealer Heating Element 1917Heat Sealer Teflon Cover 1916Mandrels RA 14mm Pk/12Nyclave Dry Heat Tubing 2" X 100' Roll For Dry Heat & Chemical VapourNyclave Dry Heat Tubing 3" X 100' Roll For Dry Heat & Chemical VapourNyclave Tubing 3" X 100' RollNyclave Tubing 6" X 100' Roll
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